Introducing Re-form tables: a fusion of form and transformation

In the realm of design, where artistry meets functionality, there emerges a collection that captures the essence of formation and transformation like never before. The Re-Form tables collection, designed by the talented Alain Gilles, are a testament to the power of combining disparate elements to create strikingly cohesive wholes or intriguing evolutionary blends. This exquisite collection of coffee and side tables ushers in a new era of versatility and artistic expression.

The Art of Fusion

The Re-Form tables are a striking blend of form and transformation. Alain Gilles has masterfully fused strict, straight elements with sweeping, gentle curves, infusing each piece with captivating subtlety. This ingenious design choice ignites a conversation within the form of each table, making them more than just furniture; they are works of art.

Versatile and Inspiring

One of the defining features of the Re-Form collection is its versatility. These tables come in various sizes, enabling them to function as standalone pieces or as part of captivating combinations. The possibilities for creativity are vast, as you can mix and match modules of different heights and employ various wood types to create rich and dynamic pieces. This adaptability allows you to visually connect the tables in multiple ways or showcase them individually as captivating standalone artworks.

The Visionary Behind the Tables: Alain Gilles

Gilles's talent and vision did not go unnoticed in the design world. Several of his creations have received international acclaim and prestigious awards, including the Henry Van De Velde Label, the Design for Asia Golden Award, "Red Dot Best of the Best" recognition for the Welded table, and the Good Design award for the Big Table.

In 2012, he was further honored when he was named "Designer of the Year" by the prestigious Interieur Kortrijk Fair. This recognition solidified his status as a visionary designer who seamlessly marries form and function in his creations.

The creative force behind the Re-Form tables is none other than Alain Gilles, a designer with a unique journey that led him to discover his true calling. Born in Brussels in 1970, Gilles initially pursued a career in Political Sciences and Marketing Management, working in the international financial world for five years. However, life had other plans for him.

He returned to studying, this time focusing on Industrial design in France, a decision that would eventually lead him to establish his own design studio in late 2007. He began to realize his dreams and develop his distinctive approach to product design, furniture design, art direction, and scenography.

The Re-Form tables are not just furniture; they are captivating expressions of artistry, versatility, and transformation. With their striking fusion of elements and limitless possibilities for creativity, these tables invite you to embark on a journey of design and imagination.

Alain Gilles's remarkable journey from the world of finance to the world of design serves as a testament to the power of following one's passion and embracing transformation. The Re-Form collection stands as a testament to his vision and a symbol of the endless possibilities that can arise when form and transformation converge in the world of design.